Cer Senin

Update: Miting Johannis, Geoana si Antonescu, luni, la Sibiu?

Respnsabilul campaniei electorale a PNL, Relu Fenechiu, a declarat astăzi că în programul candidatului la preşedinţie, Mircea Geoană, figurează mai multe mitinguri la care vor participa Klaus Johannis, Crin Antonescu şi Mircea Geoană. Surse liberale, citate de Mediafax spun că un astfel de miting va fi organizat luni, la Sibiu. "Preşedintele Crin Antonescu va participa, conform programului provizoriu, luni, la un miting care va fi organizat la Sibiu şi la care va participa şi premierul convenit Klaus Iohannis. Antonescu va participa apoi la un miting organizat la Timişoara", au spus sursele citate, cu precizarea că programul nu este definitivat şi că Antonescu ar putea participa doar la unul din cele două mitinguri.
Relu Fenechiu a spus că vor părea afişe în care vor apărea toţi cei trei politicieni. "Eu, personal, fac mâine conferinţă de presă la Iaşi şi anunţ susţinerea totală a lui Mircea Geoană pentru Preşedinţie, apoi am Delegaţie Permanentă teritorială, unde o să le cer susţinerea lui Mircea Geoană tuturor preşedinţilor de filiale şi primarilor. Vor exista afişe şi materiale promoţionale cu Crin Antonescu, Mircea Geoană şi Klaus Iohannis în ţară şi vom participa, liderii PNL şi preşedintele Crin Antonescu, alături de Geoană la mitinguri", a spus Fenechiu.
Deocamdată, administraţia locală sibiană nu a primit nicio cerere pentru organizarea unui miting electoral la Sibiu. „Până în acest moment nu s-a primit nicio cerere. Comisia de adunări publice nu are o zi anume pentru întruniri, se întruneşte în momentul în care are o solicitare. Atunci se convoacă membrii şi se întâlnesc să decidă. Dacă se va depune o solicitare, e posibil să se discute mâine”, spune Mirela Gligore, şeful Serviciului de Presă al Primăriei Sibiu.

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Alin Bratu

de Alin Bratu

0745 590 991



14 comentarii


Acum 14 ani

Luni dupa alegeri si se va incheia cu un mars funebru!Jos comunistii!Singura belea a sibienilor e ca nu scapa de Iohanus.


Acum 14 ani

Cei trei politicieni, Geoana, Antonescu si Johannis sunt ultima noastra speranta sa ne scape de Basescu


Acum 14 ani

Caragiale sa traiasca, nici el nu ar fi putut descrie mai bine grotescul situatiei rezultata din alianta a doi dusmani de moarte conform proverbului: "fa-te frate cu dracu sa treci puntea!" Daca exista un contrar al cuvantului "liberal" este cuvantul "comunist" . Sper ca Johannis sa fie asa de destept sa nu se lase inhamat la caruta celor 2 , ar avea numai de pierdut si NU ARE NEVOIE !!!.

pt. Anca

Acum 14 ani

Iar ai gandit cu vaginul. In lipsa de creieras e bun si asta,dar pt. altceva.Iar daca nici asta nu mai are trecere,abtine-te. Hai,fa un mic efort,nu e greu.


Acum 14 ani

Iohanis, mai are timp sa se retragi din cloaca asta ca sa nu iasa sifonat.Daca apare echipa de lingai a psd+pnl, huiduiti-i.


Acum 14 ani

violenta verbala si acum si violenta fizica!!! Asta ne asteapta de la un presedinte european ca BASE!!!


Acum 14 ani

BLOCUL NAŢIONAL AL REVOLUŢIONARILOR - 1989 ROMÂNIA - H.J. Nr. 1 / P.J. / FED. / 20. 02. 2003 şi Nr. 2 / P.J. / FED. / 14. 01. 2004 Tribunalul Bucureşti - Secţia 3 Civilă Adresa : Bucureşti , str. Ghiocei nr. 20, sector 2 ; Tel / fax : : [email protected] Nr. 050 / 27 noiembrie 2009 C O M U N I C A T Referitor la declaraţia lui Ion Iliescu, prin care îi înfierează cu iz proletar şi îi cataloghează drept „impostori” pe revoluţionarii car îl susţin pe PREŞEDINTELE ROMÂNIEI - TRAIAN BĂSESCU . CONSTATĂM că Ion Iliescu nu poate, nu vrea şi nu este în stare să se adapteze societăţii româneşti democratice, în dezvoltare şi continuă transformare . Ion Iliescu şcolit de KGB şi instruit politic în doctrina mentorului Ilici continuă să acrediteze sau chiar să impună teoria turmei care este obligată să urmeze ciobanul … numit . BLOCUL NAŢIONAL AL REVOLUŢIONARILOR 1989 este o UNIUNE care, aşa cum Ion Iliescu recunoaşte, reprezintă peste 90% dintre revoluţionarii şi organizaţiile de revoluţionari din România . Aproape 100% dintre aceştia sunt membri ai organizaţiilor care susţin SCHIMBAREA DIN TEMELII a societăţii româneşti, sunt cei care în decembrie 2007 şi în aprilie 2009 au declanşat cele 2(două) proteste extreme - GREVA FOAMEI . Dintre OBIECTIVELE protestului enumerăm : - AFLAREA ADEVĂRULUI despre Decembrie 1989 şi despre masacrarea a peste 1600 de cetăţeni români, - REFORMĂ CONSTITUŢIONALĂ PROFUNDA , - VOTUL UNINOMINAL , - LEGEA LUSTRAŢIEI , - REFORMAREA CLASEI POLITICA, etc. TOŢI aceştia au rămas şi sunt pentru realizarea INTEGRALĂ a acestor obiective . Faptul că a fost semnat un protocol de susţinere NU REPREZINTĂ ÎN REALITATE susţinerea clamată . ÎN INTERIORUL BLOCULUI NAŢIONAL AL REVOLUŢIONARILOR 1989 nu a avut loc o dezbatere, sau o şedinţă a unei cât de mici structuri de conducere care să hotărască “schimbarea macazului” şi susţinerea din protocolul invocat . REVOLUŢIONARII pe care îi reprezentăm NU AU NEVOIE DE PROTOCOL DE SUSŢINERE pentru a îşi păstra COLOANA VERTEBRALĂ, pentru a LUPTA PENTRU IDEALURILE LUI DECEMBRIE 1989 . Dumneavostră nu aveţi cum să cunoaşteţi aceste idealuri, pentru că atunci, în decembrie 1989, când aţi fost adus la REVOLUŢIA NOASTRĂ ERA ÎNCHEIATĂ . NOI CEI CĂRORA dumneavoastră LE SPUNEŢI IMPOSTORI eram în stradă, iar dictatorii au fugit NUMAI datorită nouă . Dumneavoastră după ce aţi făcut un drum la M.Ap.N., în data de 22 decembrie 1989 orele 14.00 “pentru o discuţie informală”(Huh) aţi venit la fostul sediu al CC unde vă aşteptau trimişii ca să vină “preşedintele Iliescu”(parcă aşa vi s-au adresat vasalii când aţi intrat în CC). Cu toate că noi cei din stradă v-am huiduit şi v-am respins din primele momente, cu ajutorul diversiunii “teroriştii” aţi preluat puterea şi va-ţi consolidate-o cu bâtele minerilor, generând CRIMELE şi ATROCITĂŢILE comise împotriva a câtorva mii de români . Acum, dumneavoastră, cu ajutorul unor revoluţionari penali (finul susţinut şi înscăunat secretar de stat cu sprijinul total al dumneavoastră, condamnat apoi la 8 ani de puşcărie cu executare, este cel mai elocvent exemplu), aceeaşi care au fost printre iniţiatorii declanşării celor două proteste precizate mai sus dar care ulterior … au dezertat ruşinos, doriţi să introduceţi în sânul revoluţionarilor teoria comuniştilor prin care poporul român “trăia şi consuma NUMAI prin reprezentanţii săi”, respective C.C. şi Marea Adunare Naţională, a căror membru de cinste aţi fost . Peste 80% dintre ROMÂNII PREZENŢI LA REFERENDUMUL din 22 noiembrie 2009, prin VOTUL ACORDAT DORESC ceea ce noi am solicitat încă din 22(ce coincidenţă) DECEMBRIE 1989 . Dumneavoastră împreună cu cei “cu protocolul” ignoraţi, încă o dată, această MARE MAJORITATE ! DUMNEZEU să vă ierte pentru că nu ştiţi ce faceţi ! Pentru conformitate: Conducerea executivă rezultată la Congresul B.N.R.1989 din data de 12 martie 2006 Preşedinte executiv, Secretar General - Purtător de cuvânt George COSTIN Nicolae BĂNUŢOIU Vicepreşedinte Executiv (Primul Primar al Timişoarei Libere) arhitect Pompiliu ALĂMOREAN


Acum 14 ani

ca tot aveti calculatoare,mai uitati-va pe you tube. chestia cu pumnul e un falset.

Johannis traficant de copii

Acum 14 ani

De ce nu dau pe toate televiziunile si reportajul Antenei 1 din anul 2000 cu traficul de copii facut de Johannis? Este pe You Tube!E mult mai grav decat ce a facut Basescu. Una este sa lovesti un copil si alta sa–l trimiti la moarte asa cum facea doctor Mengele in lagarele naziste. Televiziunile sunt pentru unii muma, iar pentru altii ciuma!


Acum 14 ani

D-le Johannis, (va rugam noi sibienii care v-am ales cu peste 80%, primar in Sibiu,), nu ne dezamagiti. NU intrati in jocul murdar al Coalitiei Impotriva Poporului Roman! Dati dovada ca spiritul nemtesc mai exista!


Acum 14 ani

pina klaus nu zice cu gurita lui ca accepta vrajeala pnl-psd eu nu cred. pina acu` a zis doar ca este onorat de propunere,nu ca accepta,si gargara de mai sus apartine sefului de campanie pnl.

Johannis traficant de copii

Acum 14 ani

De ce nu dau pe toate televiziunile si reportajul Antenei 1 din anul 2000 cu traficul de copii facut de Johannis si nevasta-sa? Este pe You Tube!E mult mai grav decat ce a facut Basescu. Una este sa lovesti un copil si alta sa–l trimiti la moarte asa cum facea doctor Mengele in lagarele naziste. Televiziunile sunt pentru unii muma, iar pentru altii ciuma!Johannis a lovit-o cu piciorul pe bunica acelor copii vanduti de el , o femeie batrana! Sau la asta nu se pune, ca-i sas?

pentru radu

Acum 14 ani

lasa teoriile ieftine, va intereseaza doar drepturile voastre, nu numai voi a-ti facut revolutia, asa ca du-te la cel care da mai mult.


Acum 10 ani

Conspiracy Raed Arafat & Johannis sale , destruction, extermination of Romanians and Romania (if you grab the MAI and the Ministry of Health extermination Romans will be play make extermination camps and will poison , irradiate food and water already brought million tons / year garbage and chemical waste in 200 pits redioactive romania in Italy and throughout Europe , in 20 years there will be Romans, but will sell with maximum profit romania mafia conspiracy Raed Arafat & Johannis ) . Helge Fleischer , Undersecretary of State in the Department for Interethnic Relations and former local councilor FDGR of Sibiu, has died at only 33 years old , killed by an incurable disease , after some time spent in Germany. It was the man DIE and Germans were caught movement. Daniel Thellmann , former Mayor of Medias fired by President Johannis in FDGR passed because the PDL was died just 49 years. After a last visit in Germany has triggered a rapid and relentless cancer , just as in the case of Helge Fleischer . A plausible scenario : Crin Antonescu if a physically disappear in less than a year - and see how easy it is dying of \"cancer\" when you have direct contact with President FDGR ! - Klaus Johannis automatically becomes interim president de facto Liberal presidential candidate and Romania. Cacaraule , you have no idea what you put in or what awaits you in the future! Raed Arafat & Johannis is a big corrupt in the West it is Considered discrimination and malpractice and translates to 2-10 years in prison plus confiscation of Family Fortunes Responsible for genocit killer . Raed Arafat acst obscure comic dirty pan in the bone DID not Hear from Him Anything Requires medical heh boards Believed That Syrian slick liar in afriac if erea doctor standing in a hospital do not interfere in politics WHERE only whores , tell me to tell you who unbli who you have Mr. Alcaide . THUS the duty to resolve incidents and Passed this sheep \'s head bribes facula is 1.Ministerul Health ( That just did not privatizta and Even If It Was Responsible criminally privatized Before the law for health disaster , and is the subject of work heh heh yes april cancel The Authorization ) Police Prosecutor Public Health. And for uneducated mob Syrian head of sheep and grimy to get Their hands on the book for the College of Physicians Legally has no power and no field attributes of Can not measure it until He M Health Justice and Police (local Public Health) do not condemn . And so if sanction They built a medical college Dr. Conflicts with the Constitution and Laws of the country , it is not a public Authority and therefore of Can not punish anyone . Mr. Raed Arafat on your post terrorism HAD to sit a novel not a bad sheep like you , you old Raed Arafat mafia men 60-100 years in the system and Dr. Young DID not like Them , These reptiles bud losing Ask Them Their meat to lie steal and bribe , height of foolishness has experts in malpractice operates left you When you break the law you apedicita operates When You have to remove part of your bowel tumor or diseased kidney not to mention the Theft and Trafficking in organs is common. Arafat missed it in HER mouth giving a father of the market is the shake but ultimately does nothing , why , Because the logic is invalid , heh bribes HER Their tithes from the direction of public health hospitals and Local Health Departments Barons That each 5000 euro / month or 50x20 = 5,000,000 euro . Even accounting for defect management embezzlement plagiarist double this loser does not dismiss Arafat not to imprison These executives ( Barons ) , and I think to 5,000,000 euro / month as paying into Them . Finish Him to idolize this Clofn mascara DID not do Anything and Will not do is just a ghost of a shadow , WHERE voltage of thousands of doctors and convicted for malpractice Corruption Dismissed Him, He Appears public after media barely Cases and shake like a mascot stadium meciiuri in USA but no more than two classes as compared to the drugged train Syrian terrorist , so we put a folk atmosphere to do and zavoreanca is good and mother caterpillar and Tate tote scales block from the queue and everyone Knows gossip scandal shook the hand beak but not real so why not dismiss thousands of corrupt doctors or / and for That logic malpractice why not - pay Them and fire into the hat dance and soundly 5,000,000 euros / month . Well if Raed Arafat worked at a hospital in the U.S. with all bribes have up to 6000 euro / month if They work out have 6000 euro / month without pay bribes Like That has not Romanians (if you catch it like the priest 2-10 years of jail and confiscation of property maenda 100,000 euros plus family , where is the law That is odd bargain WHERE not Roman law ( supercorupti ) ) , how to go on When He Steals 6000euro/luna 5,000,000 euros / month . How does this octopus Called Syrian Mafia Romania Arafat plain tb Maintain Those experienced and old men unconscious maximum server between 60-100 years especially EN dad law as if it has more than 70 years if not very serious Crimes do not jail or be suspended or at That part is a great home EQUAL to zero jail . City Barons spiatle directors and public health Directiii monthly pay into EUR 5,000,000 for Sheikh Raed Arafat over bulibasa marog da dick in mouth Called Suliman Romans . And for Raed Arafat \'s Witnesses to make Them Matan to relics of Raed Arafat , and to lick the dick That stupid country no larger than RO. Aces Puto Raed Arafat not worth snot nose or marmalade left the toilet , urine therapy miss serves . If He DID Something d aa plagiarism SMURD Brotherhood in 1970 and Applied in EN 1992 EN wrong but not in the Székely Land , simple 8 sponsors Hungarians as sponsorship is tax exemption and Their Hungarian DID HER not godsend for all eight ambulances That Gave Their Dacians erea Breck and vans actually transformed , THEN got involved action, action and Mayors in this country That tote Hungarian Romanian parties and ii ii begging votes lig under the tail , so stinking jerk of Raded Paduchiosu Arafat DID not put any money the doctors and nurses erea of the Hungarians They volunteered to Their nation for Their bravo uuuuuhhhhhhoooo Romans , after four years seeing what Will you still find nothing special with this super SMURD ambulance this Arafat praised toad frog Girl prabuisit doctor himself said in mountains with Jovan it is a stupid doctor DID not Need to well know its not correct coordinates analfabetule Dr. Arafat Gave the exact mind that you do not read just after supercorupt erea GPS ( thank sir That DID WAS not made ​​by Romanian = illiterate to the bone thieves , beggars scumbag and Europe) after it the phone IP4 not going to make mistakes WAS He is SMURD Syrian mafia EN STS nor any Western roams merchandise precision is not illiterate executives who Sidelined Arafat Some of Can not read Coordinated and sour wonders between Them as They have done for PARACEM erea first time , and it is the first time you ask erea They kind Directly coordinate bribes and do not know Anything Copied to exams , the young doctor Raed Arafat Accused That made ​​sinceriate bad for tv, made ​​it His foul and That He knew how to Give first aid and That it is not SMURD Their foul and search attributes , it does not drive me nuts Monkey Arafat stupid SMURD is saving it has the Obligation to seek to save , not looking to eat cat hiding between 18 That I, millions Sophisticated and one is like me asking you to eat it . SMURD brother has special role in search not stay in the mountains between the edge astrazi ruins and smoke cigarettes and take as the U.S. Another swig and say They do not look like it does not buckle in France is criminal case if the Victims do not seek and anyway the law partner That includes military rescue acute services required to have inspections and making healthier Victims entire public administration farata Even When Something disappears or is a downstream Victims mayor mobilizes every day half the inhabitants and the local and central aadministratia and starts Theme for His quest led 10 days every day and I make lists HER CAN rotation who does not want to or not bode must pay 200 euros a day WHERE Romans expelled the law (where law odd bargain ) . And if you look at the foreign front SMURD ambulance is only normal Volunteers without wages not like us WHERE there is a high theft Volunteers does not have MSanatati Salaries Employees have two (from ambulances and emergency ) and more ( wires ) to Give Them two Salaries and ditch All That ambulance . What century DID Give two jobs to get rich and I set it aside reloare moves . Either is a petite Sacara in each county or Bucharest sector has only five ambulances and normal 5ambulata SMURD to 10 cars on tour operator and manned Partially complete on ambulatele as doctors in romania Will never see Them skipping or hiding in offices why people die like flies anyway Even if erea the ambulance with the 200 euro / medical exam and you want to know 10,000 Which license book and what students have skipping the old men instatigati medical doctors is afraid That the new generation is better Prepared and We Will like it to stand up to 200 years . What do you do if you know nothing Them Were Given to bribe She trained Dr. Old Men . So do not all reptiles Give aste aste system mummies Dr. Old Men , People Will die in the end . . That is what Raed Arafat & Johanis or His name , Physician , Philanthropist and savior of the nation ? I know it\'s only gay and mafia ( businessman with homes and Child Trafficking ) . What can I say That this scumbag Raed Arafat DID not force you put in jail or what doctors cunperi drug Musa Musa He Wants What He Wants and if the pharmacy to consult Musa somewhere WHERE He Wants and What He Wants and if you want to change your family dr you swear you do not release the documents threatens you with death and the underworld Sophisticated or rocket puts you Liquide . Thanks mafia in Health Raed Arafat is expanded and it is the head of year octopus , if pica pica head and mob outside the filth of Raed Arafat. There has power of thousands of young dr dr Old Men have no love in the system ( corrupt asleep stupid Withdrawn malpractice , family , messy , screaming schizofrnici Patients ) . Out of this miserable health nosocomial Those infected outside the corrupt and stinking of Raed Arafat spagaciul a plagiarist input . A Syrian Mafia kind to take us home and especially a third world country MSanatati and has come to lead us WHERE Foreigners and especially tomorrow Msanatati and MORE government and parliament take all I got slaves to Foreigners in Their Own Country . Arabitoiul this input to be Crucified or burned and cut hands for theft as do the Arabs . The RO is a huge mob TENS of thousands of people die every day for the stolen drugs or money from Them is required bribe malpractice Germs in hospitals for stealing money as expense the maid is stealing 2.5 million influenza vaccine flaws and laugh and piss Arafat & Johannis Romans shaving jail for it Should Be Done embezzlement theft of 2.5 million and is the only way to do vc hepatitis and cancer pills Were Allocated 50,000. 000 euro / year to hospitals and over 50 % WAS Spent badly to say the truth That They Were stolen , embezzled or stolen funds broken and no one DID Even 40 years in prison and confiscation of Family Fortunes and 100,000 euro fine . Everyone got away Because motherfuckers Raed Arafat & Johannis father defending mafia . If you look at it think it is Vadim and Becali giving mouth but THEN discover That really is heh heh That year the main culprit is actually illusion thief shouting thief is a good actor but a fool and a medical doctor is corrupt .
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